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COVID-19 & the Airport Environment 

About the Project

The Airports Study was a semester long group project that looked into the impact of the covid-19 pandemic on the airport environment in order to better understand the changes in consumer habits and effect change in the airport as we move further into the future of a pandemic influenced world. This study was carried out beginning in August of 2020 with the final phase and presentation of the project following in late November and early December of that same year.

My Involvment

I took lead of our five member team as we stepped into beginning our research, working with my peers to facilitate discussions around the topic around the areas with-in the airport we need to explore and as we furthered our research and eventual idea cross pollination and creation. 


Phase 1: We all worked together to develop questions, create and send out surveys, create and fill our observation guides, and conduct the observational research. From there we each branched off to create and develop hypothesis based on the research findings. I led the creation and development of hypothesis 3. 


Phase 2: While we collaborated to generate and bounce around solutions and changes to the airport based off the findings that led to our hypothesis, we each selected multiple ideas to pursue further across the hypothesis whether we developed it or not. We then conducted user interviews to test each idea's viability. I created hypothesis 3 idea 2, and hypothesis 5 idea 1. 


Phase 3: In the final phase we worked together to collect feedback from our user interviews and move forward with final renders of our ideas. I was responsible for the final renders and development of the hypothesis 5 idea. 


Final booklet: When presenting each phase our professor had us create a 11 x 17 booklet to present our findings, in the final phase he asked us to reorganize this information into a 12 x 9 book form I volunteered to reorganize our information into this new final form for our airport group. While we had worked together in the past to organize information and create pages following a style guide, given the large quantity of our complete findings and the need for it to be completed in InDesign we found it easier for one person to take on the task of transposing all the information into its new final layout which you can find below. 

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